a British soldier makes Salah on a mountainside as his troop encircle him in a horseshoe formation

officers on the Western Front utilised a shell-hole as a wages office and “shelled-out” pay to soldiers on presentation of their pay books

on a tropical beach four women carry a soldier to the sea

a blow-out in the desert leads to an innocent joke where Dan is left behind

Parachute Regiment soldiers land in a semi-circular formation on a nightclub dance-floor

a group of soldiers take shelter under a tarpaulin in a jungle monsoon, where they drink tea, clean their weapons and stare at something outside the frame

by day a military unit scouts landscapes and horizons with big weapons of war. By night they eat, drink and recuperate. In the morning they attend to rituals of cleanliness and grooming

soldiers eat, sleep, clean weapons, shave and eat peaches in their barracks

in a bunker, a group of men load and fire mortar bombs at an unknown enemy, somewhere over there beyond the horizon